Our People.
Phil Thompson.
Phil is a thought leader in the design and implementation of transformation experiences. He founded Edge Creative 30 years ago, with a background in marketing and a belief in the power of live experiences to empower leaders and accelerate transformational momentum in large organisations.
Phil delivers a unique blend of creative and strategic acumen. He is a skilled facilitator who leads leadership teams through collaborative workshops that help them clarify their message, communicate authentically and then lead well.
He loves working with transformation leaders and supporting them to become more inspirational role models to those they lead and serve.
“Phil has a unique skill at bringing senior executives together to develop experiences that bring to life exactly what’s needed and deliver key messages and objectives.”
Creative Director
Writer, dreamer, creative genius
Takes all the ‘workshop outputs’ and makes them come alive creating platforms for transformation and engagement.
Snr. Project Manager
Our Talented Designer and Clever Organiser
Makes things look amazing and calmly makes it all happen… just like it should!
Film & Streaming Manager
Our Genius Pulling-it-all-together Guy
Makes dreams reality online and with every kind of camera imaginable. From studio to live show, photos to hybrid events, Liam just knows!
Heath Clapperton.
Audio Manager
Our Trusty Solve-it Man
Makes sure everything is plugged into the right places, sorts out the glitches and makes us sound awesome!